Peinture Fraîche Festival #3
Fresco realized by Heta at the Peinture Fraîche festival #3 held in 2021 at the Halle Debourg in Lyon France.
The artist Hetaone has always been fascinated by the analysis of the paintings of masters using X-rays, used to dissect the different layers and stages of a work as we know it.
The frescoes of the 2021 edition of the Peinture Fraîche Festival being accompanied by timelapses in augmented reality, it did not take more for the artist to decide to create a work on evolution.
Originally, everything starts from a black background on which a human anatomical skeleton is drawn. Then, in successive layers, appear the blood vessels, the different vital organs, the skin of the skinned.
And like a system bug, we then witness the technological update, symbolized by the spacesuit of the space conquest, in this retro-futuristic universe where the human becomes a monkey.
This fresco is intended to be a universal reflection, a true timeless autopsy of evolution, without claiming to demonstrate anything, leaving free course to the imagination of each one.
The different stages created by the artist each represent a fresco, a work in its own right, that the public will never have seen in truth, thus questioning the visible, the invisible and the ephemeral.
The end result is this succession of superimposed paintings, cut by the diagonals, crossed, torn, and reassembled into a mental triptych combining man, animal, and technology, to become one.
Welcome to Evolution…
The Mural Autopsy