A graff performance is possible with all kinds of events:
graffiti festival, concert, exhibition fair, street festival, TV show, show setting…

The aim is to create frescoes in public and to invest in the life and cultural events of a city.
Painting is built in front of the spectator and becomes a living art.
Intervening since its beginnings in the world of the spectacle, to realize decors or real performances, Hetaone is involved in a mediating action.
The performances mean making frescoes in public and getting involved in the life and cultural events of the city: Festivals, book fair or comic strip, youth days, concert, …)
For the spectator, painting is no longer a fixed object, it is built in front of him. As for the painter, his whole approach is highlighted.
For the festival “Chalon dans la rue” 2004 and 2005 the “hetaone sessions” brought together more than 80 of the best national and international graffiti artists (Spain, Canada, Croatia…) to paint in a few days two thousand square meters of walls…
Opportunities to :
Exhibition Hall
Graffiti Festival
Participatory workshop
Concert, Street Festival
TV Show
Show set…
Performance with several artists

Location :
A sufficient space, a stage, a place of life.
• Outdoor a large, airy spaces (exhibition hall, etc.).
But above all, in a place of passage, near a snack bar, where one can make noise. The performance can coexist with a scene, music, image…
Avoid an eccentric place, or too crowded with a show place that requires silence (otherwise arrange the time slot).
• Indoor a sufficient ventilation or rental of a smoke extractor. The ideal is the courtyard type, airy and protected.
In advance, protection of the place of the paint splashes (tarpaulins on the floor, wall, ceiling, furniture, etc.)
Sufficient light or lighting (crossed white light or shower).
If necessary :
– stepladder, ladder or scaffold
– rubalise or barrier
Support :
In case of a wall :
cleaning, primer, color underlayment…
In case of a removable support :
construction of a plywood frame the thickness must be sufficient (more than one centimetre) if no frame, the boards must be properly assembled between them and do not hinge… 4 planks minimum (standard size 2.5m high and 1.25m wide).
In both cases :
previously under-lay with color paint to be defined.
(Referenced to RAL if possible), provide an additional pot for retouching.
Duration :
The ideal is to start before the public arrives to draw the sketches.
Define the number of days or half days required.
Participants :
Define the number of artists desired.
Define whether public or workshop group participation.
Theme :
The theme of the fresco can be defined in advance or free.
Materials :
The artist provides the necessary for the realization of the work (with the exception of the medium and its preparation).
Remains at the charge of the structure: The support, its preparation, protections.
Copyright :
The artist retains copyright in accordance with current legislation.